What It’s Really Like Being a Beautycounter Consultant + Why I Joined!

Wondering what it’s really like being a Beautycounter consultant? I’m sharing everything you need to know about the consultant opportunity & why I joined!

Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by! I want to share my experience and chat about what it’s really like being a Beautycounter consultant, because today is my 3rd year anniversary of joining. I can’t express how much I have enjoyed working and educating the women and men around me. As a Health & Wellness coach, Personal Trainer, mother of two boys, wife and a Clean Beauty Advocate who is passionate about helping others make their dreams a reality, I am so very excited to share with you that you too can make your dream become YOUR very own reality too.  I lead a team of women - all of whom are on a mission to make our world a better, safer, and healthier place.  All of whom are dreaming BIG and are seeking a life filled with passion and purpose.  These women (and men!) are entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, stay at home moms, teachers, health & wellness coaches, hairdressers, nurses, estheticians, social workers, lawyers, and doctors.  You might ask why Beautycounter brings the most amazing talent into their safe beauty movement.  

Because we are not just selling lipstick!  We are first and foremost educators.  

Partnering with Beautycounter, over three years ago, was not in my plans.  Especially since my coaching practice was serving me in the best way possible.  Years prior to me becoming a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach and Life Coach, I had lost my health completely.  There were numerous diagnoses that came one right after the other.  SIBO (Small Bacterial Overgrowth), hypothyroidism, Lyme disease, reactivated Epstein Barre, Candida, relapse after relapse of SIBO that went on for YEARS, mold toxicity and finally heavy metal testing that shocked me to my core, which was the icing on the cake.  

As an athlete my entire life and personal trainer for over 20 years, I couldn’t understand why I felt the way I did when I believed I was doing all the right things for my body.  After years of treatments and not truly feeling like myself, my functional medicine doctor and I discussed heavy metal testing.  It was the ONE thing that hadn’t been tested or treated, and there were strong indications linking to SIBO of higher levels of metals, along with many others mentioned above.  After reviewing my heavy metal results with my Functional Medicine Doctor, I was blown away by my high numbers.  How could this be when I hadn’t been subjected to lead paint or mercury as a child or my diet didn’t consist of high levels of fish known to have higher mercury levels?  I saw with my very own testing and eyes the impact of very little at the time cosmetics and personal care products were contributing to my higher than normal heavy metal levels.  THIS was SHOCKING, which lead me to educate myself even further than just reading the labels or seeing that some product stated it was “organic” but, in fact, behind that label there was absolutely no transparency or testing being done.  I was shocked to learn that my “natural” shampoo had a level 8 of toxicity, on the Environmental Working Group (EWG).  EWG is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment.  EWG tests for allergen, cancer and developmental concerns with levels from 1-10 with 10 being the highest.

Once you learn this knowledge, you can’t unlearn it. 

Why does this even matter? Well, did you know the cosmetics industry laws haven’t been updated since 1938? Or that the European Union has banned 1,400 ingredients when the U.S. has only banned 30? And that many of these ingredients have links to cancer, infertility, hormonal disruption, skin irritation, and more?  I had been meeting with clients weekly within my coaching practice that were experiencing so many of the above health issues. 

Did you know that of the 80,000+ chemicals used today, over 80% have NEVER been tested for human safety?

Beautycounter is why change is good.  I took a leap of faith, partnering with an education-based company to continue to create change in the marketplace.  

When I joined Beautycounter I knew joining forces with this brand I could have a profound social impact on our world while simultaneously building a financially rewarding business.  Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this opportunity would fulfill so many boxes for me.  Not only is it financially rewarding, but the women and men I have met to date cleaning up the industry has been one of the biggest gifts! 

Saying yes to Beautycounter was easy and having the opportunity to partner with our company’s founder and visionary, Gregg Renfrew, was a once in a lifetime opportunity!  I wanted to partner with a leader who was making waves and showing up in Washington, DC creating change. 

There has never been a better time to join this company & lend your voice to this amazing mission. Beautycounter is the leader in clean beauty. No other brand compares to the ingredient selection process that we have set in place. We source ingredients responsibly, as mentioned above, we ban over 1,800 harmful ingredients, we screen for heavy metals, we are working to be more environmentally friendly each year, & we are 100% transparent regarding all parts of our products, packaging, & business.

Americans are facing health issues, disease, & autoimmune disorders like never before & something needs to change!

So many people have never even thought to question the ingredients found within their beauty & personal care products.

You don’t have to take my word for it either, there are plenty of studies out there linking MANY common ingredients to cancer, breast cancer, endocrine disruption, skin issues, skin irritation, allergies, liver toxicity, diabetes, birth defects, infertility, + MORE! If that doesn’t tell alert you, I’m not sure what will.

Beautycounter not only provides safe products for the entire family to use, but they provide a chance to be a part of real, meaningful change. Earlier this year, our founder and CEO, Gregg Renfrew, had a chance to speak in front of Congress to represent the ENTIRE beauty industry. Not only the clean beauty industry, but the beauty industry as a whole – that’s pretty impressive! As a result of the endless work Beautycounter has done, we were able to make history this year & together, we drove the first vote on cosmetics reform in 80+ years. You heard that right! We aren’t called the Leaders in Clean for nothing!

Before I get into the most common questions about being a Beautycounter consultant, I wanted to share my “why.” My WHY is why I personally joined this company & movement. Everyone’s why might look a bit different, but that’s the beauty of this business. You can make this opportunity into whatever you’d like it to become. Some women join solely for the product discount, and guess what? That’s perfectly A-Okay!

Cheeky Cream Blush (Cider) | Beyond Gloss (Amber Shimmer) | Dew Skin | Lid Glow Cream Shadow (Prism)

Let’s get to it, shall we?!

Why I joined Beautycounter…

I decided to become Beautycounter consultant because I felt extremely passionate about sharing clean products that didn’t have to sacrifice performance for safety, plus as read above, my health history demanded I seek a healthy lifestyle. I truly did not want to question the products I use. Beautycounter eliminates any guess work, which as a working mom this was crucial, I also wanted a company that was dedicated to change. Their commitment to transparency, their ingredients, and the mission behind it all, is like no other & it’s something I feel 100% confident about lending my voice towards.

With the lack of education regarding clean beauty & harmful ingredients allowed by the FDA in our common everyday products, it’s not only apparent but also crucial to spread awareness regarding the products we use & apply onto our bodies every single day.

Not using clean products isn’t an option for me or for my clients who I coach weekly. I love to add additional self-care to my daily regimen, but I will NOT comprise my health for the products I use. There is no person that wouldn’t truly benefit from the products Beautycounter offers, and I’m so proud to share that solution.

Q: What’s the best part of the business and do you actually enjoy it?

A: YES! This has honestly been one of the most fun and rewarding jobs I’ve ever had. I am still in disbelief some days that I’m now able to make a significant income while making an impact on an important social issue. I’ve met so many amazing ladies on our larger team, and I am so excited to meet more when I actually get to attend our LEAD conference, this is a yearly conference Beautycounter holds each year, but due to covid they have all been cancelled to date. There is so much support in our larger group (we communicate a lot through our big team Facebook page, IG, and Voxer – a walkie talkie app), and it’s so nice to know there will always be someone there to answer my questions OR to lift me up if I am struggling a bit or have any questions.

Disclosure: Please keep in mind that earnings with Beautycounter may vary significantly. They depend on many factors, and not all Consultants will earn money. Relevant factors include each Consultant’s time dedicated to selling/mentoring and their unique circumstances. To see more about the earnings and costs of Beautycounter Consultants, please view the 2020 Income Disclosure Statement at www.beautycounter.com/ids. In 2020, the average Beautycounter Consultant earned $2,060 in the U.S before expenses. In Canada, the typical Consultant earned between $0 and $1,000, excluding income from retail sales of products.

Q: Does it cost more money for me to shop with a consultant?

A: No! It doesn’t cost you anything at all to shop with a consultant. Shopping with a consultant does give you a customized shopping experience because we can act as the middle man if you have a customer service issue, we can keep you updated on orders and sales, give personalized product recommendations, send out samples, and I do a TON of giveaways/gifts with purchases, etc.!

If you ever want to shop Beautycounter with me as your consultant, type in my name “Angie Bloom” at checkout & you’ll be linked to my site. If you do choose to shop with me, thank you first and foremost for supporting my small business and safer beauty. I’m a firm believer that any dollar spent is a vote for what we want to experience, and creating change in the marketplace starts with US!

Q: Do consultants have to meet monthly minimums or required purchases??

A: Nope! There are no monthly minimums and/or extra fees when you sign up to be a Beautycounter consultant. NONE. If you do become a consultant, you will be asked to pay a $50 fee each year to keep your website up and running, but that’s it. We are different from many other MLM’s, in the way that we do not require any monthly purchases, autoships, or anything like that. You decide what, when and how. The only requirement you have to meet is $1200 in qualifying volume (QV = your own purchases + sales) every 6 months. Any starter kit you get at enrollment also counts towards the $1200. This is a VERY attainable number. Most people have no issue hitting it in 3-4 months, and many do it sooner! Absolutely, no requirement to purchase any product either if you choose not to.

But what happens if I don’t hit that minimum?

Nothing! You just get bumped from Consultant status to being a Band of Beauty member – which is still a great program to be a part of!

Q: Is Beautycounter a pyramid scheme?

A: No. Pyramid schemes are illegal. Beautycounter is a multichannel business, meaning there are multiple ways to access our products. One being through shopping with a consultant (that’s me!), shopping directly through the e-commerce website, shopping at a physical pop-up (Beautycounter has a few across the U.S.), and in a physical store. We also collaborated with Target and J. Crew a few years ago, which was so neat and fun to see our products having more exposure. Beautycounter was also, this past year, featured in Sephora for three months during a limited-time pop-up, which was really amazing to see.

Q: Do you have to have a blog or a lot of followers to be successful?

A: NO! Anyone can be successful with this business. There are plenty of successful consultants who don’t utilize social media at all. It depends on the person, your audience. No matter if you have 0 or 500 followers or 100k, you’ll find that you’ll be successful through genuine sharing and real conversations with people. Our mission is best spread person to person.

Q: Do Beautycounter consultants get a product discount, and is their training if I do?

A: YES! All active consultants are able to purchase product at a 25% discount, which is really incredible. We also have the ability to earn free product, half-off product, incentives, and are able to shop new products before they launch at a highly discounted rate - even better!

A: Is there training? YES! Beautycounter provides impressive training for all new & active consultants. We have access to an abundance of training materials, images to use, helpful information to share, videos, specific product training, and so much more. Your mentor is also there with you every step of the way encouraging you, answering questions, offering suggestions, brainstorming, and teaching you ways to make the most out of this business. I can’t imagine doing my business without my mentor. She has become a very close friend of mine, which has been priceless.

Q: Are you required to build a team and can I make money right away?

A: No, you are not required to build a team, but if you do, it’s a lot of fun and gives you extra earning and financial growth potential.

How do I make money? The moment you join as a Beautycounter consultant, you have the ability to earn a paycheck. You will begin to earn a commission no matter how much or how little you sell. Consultants automatically start off making 25% commission, with the ability to earn up to 35% commission.

Q: How much time do I need to dedicate?

This is completely up to you! In the beginning, I probably put (maybe) an hour of work per week into my business. Now that I have a team and things are building, I would say I work between 5-8 hours per week on Beautycounter stuff. What you put into it is what you get out of it!

Q: I’m Ready! How do I join?

Ok…so if you’ve been considering joining or thinking about it for a while, I want you to ask yourself what’s holding you back. Fear? Insecurity? Limiting Beliefs? Nothing great has ever come from comfort zones, this I KNOW first hand! You have to step outside yours if you want amazing things to happen.

A: Find a mentor! If you know someone personally that is already a Beautycounter consultant, you can approach them or join my team! We’d love to have you! On the Beautycounter website, there is an option to “Join” and that will take you through the necessary steps to enroll as a consultant.

You will have the option to purchase a starter set if you already don’t have products. When I joined, I was a little hesitant to spend the money for a starter set, but then I realized I was OPENING a business! I can’t open a flower shop without flowers, a bookshop without book or a nail salon without nail polish, so why would I open up my safer beauty business with no safer beauty products?! As such, I highly recommend a starter set.

There is currently an option to join Beautycounter as an independent consultant for just $50 only! So for $50, you can have your own business up and running. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made to date! Other than marrying my husband and having my two boys.

If you want me to be your Beautycounter mentor, it would truly be my honor. Email me at angie@angiebloom.com and I can answer any questions you might have to get started!

P.s. if landed here and are looking for Beautycounter products, and you need help figuring out which products would be best for your skin, reach out to angie@angiebloom.com. Or, take my 3 minute “skincare questionnaire” with this link here - and I’ll be in touch with my recommendations!

Sending you love,



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