How are you LEADing?

I've had a lot of questions, regarding movement and weightloss efforts during Covid-19.  Most fitness advice can be boiled down to simple behaviors, like eating a balanced diet, exercising and getting good sleep.  Would you agree?  

During a pandemic like Covid-19, these actions are especially crucial for maintaining your physical and mental well-being. But this social distancing thing really complicates things. How are you supposed to eat right when you’re living on non-perishables? How can you workout when you’re cooped up at home? How can you sleep when you're anxious about almost everything.  

I encourage you to not go straight for the grains or canned goods all the time -- balance is the key here.  I  know they last and probably provide some comfort but truly it's such a great time to buy fresh produce.  When you do venture out try to focus on buying fruits and vegetables, cut them up and put them in your freezer, because they can be used for months to come. Gravitate to more sturdy veggies, fruit and starches — like broccoli, apples, bananas, melons, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, carrots, eggplant, green beans and sweet potatoes.  You will be able to keep the more sturdy veggies for a long time outside the freezer.

If you do buy canned, dried or frozen goods, choose those low in saturated fat, salt and added sugars. I would look for foods with less than five grams of added sugar per serving, less than 200 milligrams of salt per serving and less than 1.5 grams of saturated fat per serving,  This will ensure you are keeping sodium in check along with any unnecessary sugar.

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With this type of behavior creeping in your best defense against it, is to admit that it’s happening, NOTICE it.  Then, try to productively channel those feelings elsewhere, whether by venting to a good friend, writing down your feelings or diving into a good book.  This is where you being AWARE of your behaviors and habits will be your biggest ally.  

We may not be able to get to our favorite gym but we can still run, walk or bike outside, ideally, about 6 feet from one another.  

Managing stress and anxiety is crucial for getting enough sleep—and getting enough sleep is crucial for just about every other aspect of your health.  Aim for 7-8 hours per night.  Trust me when I say this, it does make a difference.  

Yoga and meditation are great tools for managing stress, and they can be done in a small space; check to see if your local studio is streaming guided classes. You can also turn to apps like Headspace or Insight Timer (FREE) for virtual mindfulness.  I have so many favorite meditations I love to date that I'll be sharing some of my favorites in the days to come!  

Lately, I've been setting aside a specific area in my home that’s free of technology, except maybe a speaker for music. I like stocking this area with things that are calming to me, like my favorite blankets and pillows, a scented candle, favorite essential oils being diffused and house plants.  Like a cozy meditation nook for a space to just BE.  

I want to share with you something that I've been working on each day to accomplish while in quarantine.  Below you will find my Quarantine Daily Health Strategies.  This has been helpful for me to stay on track and continue to have some sort of routine.  I don't know about you but I do thrive with routine and feel the most grounded when I have one in place.

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There's nothing magical about 10 or 11 a.m. or any of these times. Pick any times you want. Just establish a routine and one that gets you started early in the day to set you up for success.

If you intermittent fast that's A-Ok!  I'm not saying intermittent fasting is bad. If you want to intermittent fast, go for it. Totally fine. This is just one example.

Will you do me a favor?  Take a moment and ask me any questions you’d like me to answer for you by responding to this e-mail?  Or maybe there is something you'd like to hear from me within my newsletter.  It could be nutrition, strength training, mindset, business, quarantine, safer beauty, etc.

Last week, I filmed a new YouTube video about why I don't think this is the most ideal time to focus on fat loss.  I also mention more in depth the foods to keep your immune system healthy.

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When I think about all the weightloss goals and some finding it hard to accept that they just simply aren't going to move the needle right now they are a bit frustrated.  I get it I do but I think it's safe to say that our biggest threat to our health isn't about food or the number on the scale. 

The goal right now is to stay home, and to take care of your mental health by dealing with anxiety the best you can. You’re not wrong to worry about weight gain, because that’s the culture we live in but I think putting it in perspective and really giving yourself some grace can really help quiet the fear.

One last note, you can find more inspiration and workout videos on my YouTube Channel so be sure to subscribe!
Stay safe & stay healthy.  

Sending you so much love and light,



Healthy Easter Nest Cookies


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