Emotion Code Energetic Integrative Therapy and How It Can Help You

Health + Wellness

The Emotion Code® is an energy healing technique used to discover and release possible underlying energetic causes of mental, emotional, and physical issues.

I believe that 80% of imbalances that we suffer are emotional in nature. During a session, I identify and release any trapped emotions that are found. These emotions can be hurtful emotional energies from negative past events, that are potentially contributing to a range of issues. Think of each emotion as a fist or a ball of energy stuck and radiating within your body. Now imagine if you were to release them!

The Emotion Code is designed to help you ease emotional wounds, help your body heal, stop self-sabotage, restore love within relationships (including yourself) and alleviate physical discomfort. The Emotion Code is a simple and effective way to identify and release your emotional baggage (trapped emotions).

I specifically specialize in clearing fears, discovering allergies, clearing trapped emotions &/or a Heart Wall, rewiring your subconscious mind beliefs, helping you end the vicious cycle of toxic relationships and getting to the root of anything that’s bothering you or your child.

The Emotion Code works by literally getting rid of emotional baggage. Much of your emotional baggage comes from experiences in which you experienced bad or negative emotions, were traumatized or simply overwhelmed by the emotions you were feeling at the moment. Most of us are unable to fully process emotions as they occur, so then the emotional energy gets trapped in your body.

Over time, trapped emotions and/or energies start to interfere with your physical and emotional health. This can cause a disruption within your life.

For example, if you have a trapped emotion of sadness, the energy of that sadness in your body will make it easier for you to slip back into that emotion. Each emotion that is trapped can increase depression or anxiety and therefore block from experiencing our natural state, which should be joy and happiness. Have you ever just felt really disconnected from others? Trapped emotions may be why.

Trapped Emotions are Energy

Since trapped emotions are made of energy, they distort the body’s energy field and interfere with the physical body functioning properly. Trapped emotions may cause pain, malfunction of glands and organs, dis-ease in the body, and continuing emotional issues. Trapped emotions can completely block people from feeling joy, love and happiness and in turn make them feel disconnected from others.

What do Trapped Emotions do?

Trapped emotions are balls of vibrating energy about the size of your fist.

When you have a trapped emotion in the body, your body is feeling the vibration of that emotion all the time.

Emotions from negative or emotionally-charged events (big and small) can get trapped in our bodies and stay there. These stuck emotions can be old traumas, a past hurt, or inherited.

Many people have layers of them waiting to cleared! Having and Emotion Code Session can clear these easily and the results can be life-changing.

When you experience emotional trauma, a lot of the time this is what is causing you mental distress.

What is Emotional Baggage?

The term Emotional Baggage is used to describe the past that has not been dealt with or is unresolved past emotional issues, a/k/a trapped emotions that we carry with us wherever we go. It’s like carrying a really heavy backpack on your back every single day. Are you ready to feel lighter? I know I was.

When you have this backpack full of all your emotional baggage, it’s filled with our limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, self consciousness and confusion from our life experience as well as inherited generational trauma. Our emotional baggage can leave us feeling massively weighed down, blocked and can contribute to a range of mental, emotional and physical issues.

What Does An Emotion Code Integrative Therapist Do

As an Emotion Code Integrative therapist, I am trained in energy healing to listen first and foremost to your problem and then identify trapped emotions in parts of the body to carefully help you release them.

During an Emotion Code session, you work with your integrative therapist and your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind remembers everything that has ever happened to you. Only 10% of what we recall is in our conscious awareness. The remaining 90% is hidden in our subconscious, but this sits underneath how we show up every day as a person. Think of it as a background program, just like a computer program to be exact, that runs the show day after day. Every single reaction, the way that you respond to things in your life, the way you act, the things that you fear all come from your subconscious mind.

During an Emotion Code session, I will connect to your subconscious mind and energy along with your subconscious and find the answers to the questions we are working on. Muscle testing is used to get answers from your subconscious mind. This identifies imbalances that may be affecting your physical and emotional wellness. We then work on releasing one energy at a time using magnetic energy and principles of ancient Chinese medicine.

The goal within our session is to identify and release negative emotions that are:

  • Trapped during specific events in your life involving friends, family members, relationships, specific traumatic events, and more

  • Causing you physical, mental-emotional pain or problems with the proper functioning of the body (i.e. digestion, hormonal health)

If you are reading this and connecting to this message with a deeper inner knowing you may have one, book your session today. If you want to experience more peace at home and work with, feeling TRUE love and happiness again, this is your sign!

Clients have reported feeling lighter and health issues subsiding, and when the emotion(s) leave their body, you may feel chills, yawn as a form of release, or sometimes I’ve seen clients feel a moment of nausea or dizziness. It is completely non-invasive.

We can learn within the session:

  • The approximate time frame in which the emotion was trapped

  • Whether you absorbed it from someone else

  • Whether the emotion was inherited and how far back it goes

  • The location in the body where the emotion was residing

  • More details about the event

How To Know If You Need Emotions Released?

Well, think of it this way, when you release trapped emotions this allows the body to heal and for us to reach our goals. Problems become more manageable and can be resolved. This frees us to find more happiness, health and abundance in our lives.

This invisible emotional energy causes discomfort, imbalance, pain, and dis-ease. It can also cause a heavy emotional toll and impact how we think, feel, and the choices we make.

The best way is to book your session here! If we detect that you have a Heart Wall at your Integrative Emotion Release Therapy Session, we can discuss how we move forward releasing the energy throughout our session together. Your subconscious mind will give us all the answers we need through muscle testing to find out if you have a Heart Wall. Just as you received the emotions around your heart, we will remove them one by one.

Ready to Schedule Your Emotion Code Session?

You can book your session here, and then we’ll move forward together, releasing one emotion at a time.

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