Why You Might Need an Armpit Detox


I am serious about taking good care of my skin and weekly, I get asked what my skincare routine looks like.

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I’m super excited to be sharing on the blog why detoxing your pits is a good idea, and why I love using Beautycounter’s charcoal mask to do so!

I remember the first week when I switched out to natural deodorant, and I was the one who had quite a substantial amount of detox symptoms and what I know now is I could have done an armpit detox to help my body eliminate the toxins that were built up in my pits.

 I’ve met so many women and men, who give up too soon with their natural deodorant because when your body is “detoxing” you may smell something. I’ve noticed even the tiniest amount of odor they suddenly freak out that they “smell” and panic! I get it, I do, heck I work out every single day, so I want to smell good too, but simply put, you’ve got to stick it out! Because I’m here to tell you there’s a perfectly good reason for the smell!

Your body is DETOXING!

It’s important to know that, it can take up to two to four week transition period can be expected. Each stage may vary depending on your body chemistry.

Think about how many years you’ve relied on your conventional antiperspirant to stop the stink and sweat? I had been using one since the age of 12! The conventional antiperspirants prevent our bodies from going through our natural sweating processes by blocking our pores with harmful ingredients, such as aluminum.

So when you finally make the switch to something safer for you, like a natural deodorant, the pores found within your armpits are finally able to breathe! So it’s literally been years that your pits have been clocked! Imagine the detox ahead and build up since the young age, at least for me 12! When your body starts detoxing know, it will look different for everyone. Some many experience irritation, itching, rashes, an increased smell, or your lymph nodes may even feel a bit swollen. I had them all!

We work on being healthy with the way we eat, workout and the thoughts that we think daily, at least I do, so why not clean up your personal care products too? Our skin is our largest organ of our body too and with the increase numbers with women and breast cancer, the very last thing we need especially as women are more products with endocrine disrupting chemicals on an area as sensitive as this.


To help speed the detox process along, use Counter+ Charcoal Facial Mask on the underarms once a week, and wash the underarms daily with Counter+ Charcoal Cleansing Bar.

As Beautycounter continues to strive to have all products recycled, recyclable, refillable, reused, or compostable by 2025, and 100% of their packaging by 2025, by making the switch to The Clean Deo which is also refillable, it helps reduce its water use, fossil fuel use, and greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 47%*. Your pits (and the planet) will thank you!

Use a charcoal-based detoxifying products

Help your body adjust to the change by using the Charcoal Cleansing Bar to wash your armpits daily. I still do this to help pull impurities out, plus I use this on the face, especially in the summer when I’m sweating and using a lot more sunscreen. You do this, so the charcoal can pull the impurities out before the sweat does! I also apply the Charcoal Detoxifying Balancing Mask weekly. When I mask my face, I mask my pits, jump in the shower and boom! Clear skin and fresh smelling pits all in one! And, if you don’t love the idea of masking your pits, you’ve got one heck of an amazing facial mask that works!

Stay with me!!!! Did I lose you? I hope not!

Here’s my charcoal routine:

  • The charcoal cleansing bar: Everyday I wash my underarms, with the Charcoal Cleansing Bar, before I shave, to make sure all impurities don’t go into the pores when I open them while shaving.

  • The charcoal mask: I apply the mask on a day I’m showering. I first wash under my arms with the soap in the sink, then I pat dry, and apply a thin layer of the Charcoal Detoxifying Balancing Mask to the area under my arms, typically where I apply deodorant. I allow to air dry while I brush my teeth, fold laundry, etc. and about 7-10 minutes later, I hop in the shower and rinse off with water. See! You can do it too! It’s really not that hard! I recommend a darker t-shirt in the case of transfer.

You can find the charcoal products I use and recommend by clicking the links above or shopping HERE.

When Using Bentonite Clay


  1. Mix one tablespoon of bentonite clay with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of water in a glass bowl.

  2. Spread evenly across the armpit area. Note, you cannot use a metal bowl for this DIY mask, nor a metal spoon.

  3. Allow it to sit for 5 to 20 minutes.

  4. Wash off with a warm washcloth and/or in the shower, which is my fav because it’s so easy!


If you’re purchasing Beautycounter, be sure to select Angie Bloom as your consultant at checkout. I follow up after every order in case you have any questions about how to use products! 

Be sure to sign up for my Beauty newsletter to learn more about my favorite skincare and makeup products.

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P.S. Any product you use on a regular basis should be cleaned often (psst: your beauty cabinet will look and feel much nicer when you’re finished, too). So, grab the soap, a little water, and get cleansing. As you clean, be sure to check each period-after-opening (PAO) symbol while you’re at it. Beautycounter products specify the number of months that you can expect them to be safe for use. Look for a tiny period-after-opening (PAO) symbol of an open lid pot with a note like “12M”, which means the product’s lifespan is 12 months from the time you open it if it’s been stored and used properly. You may be due to replace some of your old #betterbeauty—which will make it, well, even better. 


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