Psych-K finding Whole-Brain State - Why it's so Important. Left vs. Right Brain Dominance: Which is Better?

Health + Wellness

Did you know that by the age of seven you’ve developed some of the most skills and beliefs in your life? Did you also know that research shows that PSYCH-K creates a Whole-Brain State, which in turn acts as a kind of “gateway to higher consciousness,” elevating thinking capacity to new levels of functionality and creativity?

We each play a crucial role, consciously and subconsciously, in making positive changes in our daily lives. When using forms of energy psychology like PSYCH-K, which raises your consciousness to increase your awareness about yourself and how you impact the world.

PSYCH-K helps you create a Whole-Brain State to handle challenges more easily and effectively.

PSYCH-K® allows you to quickly and painlessly change subconscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life, as a spiritual being having a human experience. This includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. When you rewrite the software of your mind, you change the printout of your life… and the world!”

Rob M. Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®

I created this brand to bring you the best in wellness, nutrition, fitness and clean beauty!

Brain Dominance Theory

Studying years of split-brain (or Brain Dominance Theory) studies have concluded that the LEFT brain hemisphere is logical and analytical and the RIGHT brain hemisphere is emotional and creative. The findings indicate that each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, tends to deal with different functions, information and ways of dealing with problems. While we utilize both sides of the cerebral cortex, life experiences often trigger a dominance of one side over the other, when we respond to certain situations. If the experience is emotionally charged and possibly traumatic, it will more than likely be stored for the future and when a similar experience occurs, we will strongly tend to over-identify with just the one side of the hemisphere, creating an unbalanced view or belief of the situation. So fascinating, isn’t it?! Let me tell you more… about my healing journey with Psych-K.

PSYCH-K Healing

PSYCH-K (P-K) is a quick, easy, and effective way to elevate your mind. During a Psych-K session, you’re guided through postures and movements that “Balance” both brain hemispheres to help you achieve a Whole-Brain State. When you elevate your consciousness, you elevate the collective consciousness as a whole. Isn’t that cool?! How we treat ourselves and more importantly, how we CONNECT with ourselves has a direct correlation to how we communicate with the world. You being more in alignment, creates a better experience for all of us!

Left vs. Right - What’s the difference?

It’s important to know that either side isn’t more amazing than the other. What we want is BOTH communicating together to have the ultimate outcome.

The LEFT hemisphere of your brain controls the RIGHT side of your body. Traits traditionally characterized by the “left brain” include:

logic and reason

thinking in words and numbers

will break apart

dealing in specifics

will analyze


thinking sequentially - arranged in a sequence.

identifying with the individual

order and control

focuses on language

The RIGHT hemisphere of your brain controls the LEFT side of your body and traditionally has the following characteristics:

creative, emotional and intuitive

artistic and imaginary

thinking in pictures


musical - creating music

recognizes faces

will put together - to make (something) by combining different things

thinks simultaneously & holistically

identifies with the group

is spontaneous & free

appreciates color

An interesting fact, the left hemisphere of your brain does indeed control and correlate to the muscles on the right side of the body, and vice versa.

Most of us are programmed or encouraged to adopt a ‘dominant state’ as we grow up.

Have you ever wondered why some are good at math and very analytical and others lean into the arts more?

If you were trying to be good at math and no matter how hard you tried, you still had an awful time understanding, it is safe to say that if we’re operating in a “whole-brain” state, we’d be far more intelligent using all functions this way.

A Whole-Brain State Can...

change limiting beliefs to support your health & life

high-speed subconscious belief change

clearer thinking and reduced stress

expanded access to enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills

heightened awareness, as well as increased energy and efficiency

rewire your brain positive outcome

provide a new perspective on life

activate “super learning” for greater brain function

improve emotional well-being

raise spiritual awareness

I love helping my clients let go of painful experiences to help them rebuild trust, self-confidence, self-worth and belief in themselves by addressing the root causes with subconscious change. The tool I use is called PSYCH-K®, and is a quick, pain-free and completely safe way to reprogram your subconscious and to create lasting change for once and for all.

Dr. Bruce Lipton's groundbreaking epigenetic research supports PSYCH-K. His work shows that DNA within the cell responds to its environment. Genes are only "blueprints." It's your subconscious that modifies DNA and manifests your destiny.

The best way to change your life is to change the beliefs that create it. Ready to free your mind with PSYCH-K?

Within my holistic practice, we help you create a lasting self-care practice to regulate your nervous system in your day to day, so you can always hear and follow your whispers, instead of the big mac truck.

If you’re ready to stop dimming your light, start making easy decisions with confidence and follow through with what you want to achieve, while trusting your intuition, you can easily set up a free conversation with me.

>>>To Book Integrative Energetic Healing Services, click here

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